2. (noun) (sport) half-way line.
1. (location) the middle, among, midst, amid, between, the intervening space - a location word, or locative, which follows immediately after particles such as ki, i, hei and kei or is preceded by a when used as the subject of the sentence. Variation of waenganui.
E hoa mā, tēnei tāku honae hōkeke, he mea kohikohi nāku nō waenga i ngā kōtai i ngā pareparenga o te ngutuawa o Kawaora (TJ 9/11/1899:15). / Friends, this is my small basket of ear fungus which I collected amongst the alluvial soils on the banks of the Kawaroa estuary.
Synonyms: waenganui, waengarahi, kōpū
2. (location) garden - when no noun is expressed.
Tērā te koroheke rā kua tae ki waenga e ngaki ana. / There was the elderly man who had arrived to weed the garden.
tau waenga
1. (noun) median (of a data set).
Ko te tau waenga tētahi o ngā inenga o te takiwā waenganui o tētahi huinga raraunga, arā, ko tētahi o ngā wēanga o aua raraunga. Ina raupapahia ngā tau o tētahi huinga raraunga, ko te tau kei waenganui pū o te huinga, koirā te tau waenga (TRP 2010:286). / The median is one of the statistical measures of the centre for a set of data. If the numbers from a set of data are put in order, the median is the number that is in the middle of the set (TRP 2010:286).
kaihoko waenga
1. (noun) wholesaler.
Ka hokona ētahi o ngā taonga e ngā kaihoko whakamutunga (pērā i ngā toa), mai i te kaihoko waenga, hei hoko atu anō mā rātou ki te kirihoko (TRP 2010:305). / Some of the goods bought by retailers (such as shops) from wholesalers are for them to resell to purchasers.