1. (noun) elder brothers (of a male), elder sisters (of a female), cousins (of the same gender from a more senior branch of the family).
Ko ngā tuākana ake o Tūmate Mahuta ko Te Rata, te Kīngi tuawhā, me Taipū, nō te tau 1924 tēnei i mate ai (TTR 1998:94). / Tūmate Mahuta's elder brothers were Te Rata, the fourth King, and Taipū, who died in 1924.
1. (noun) elder brother (of a male), elder sister (of a female), cousin (of the same gender from a more senior branch of the family), prefect.
Ka kite hoki taku tuakana i a au e tū ana i te taha o te huarahi i tō mātau kāinga, ka whakatū ia i ana hōiho, kia piki atu au ki runga i te rore, ka noho i tōna taha (HP 1991:22). / And when my elder brother saw me standing at the side of the road at our home he stopped his horses and I climbed onto the lorry and sat beside him.
Synonyms: piriwheke
tuakana matua
1. (noun) head prefect.
Riro mai ana i a Pēneti tētehi karahipi hei hari i a ia ki te Kāreti o Te Aute, ā, i reira i noho ia hei tauira taiea, tauira tuakana matua, ka toa kē hoki ia ki te tākaro whutupaoro. (TTR 2000:18). / Bennett won a scholarship to Te Aute College, where he was a distinguished student, head prefect and footballer.