



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) ridge pole (of a house), subject of a sentence, main theme, direct line of ancestry.

Koirā a ia i kī ai: 'Māku anō e hanga tōku nei whare. Ko te tāhuhu he hīnau ko ngā poupou he māhoe, patatē. Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki.' (TTR 1994:134) / That's why he said: 'I myself shall build my house. The ridge-pole will be of hīnau and the supporting posts of māhoe and patatē. Raise the people with the fruit of the rengarenga, strengthened them with the fruits of the kawariki.'

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Synonyms: tāuhu, tāhū

tāhuhu kōrero

1. (noun) history.

Noho ake ana rāua whakarau ai i ngā akoranga muna, i ngā tāhuhu kōrero, i ngā whakapapa me ngā whakamāramatanga e hāngai ana ki ngā karakia me ngā waiata aweko (TTR 2000:31). / They sat down to debate esoteric lore, history and whakapapa, and the interpretations of ancient karakia and waiata.

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tāhūhū rangapū

1. (noun) chief executive.

tāhuhu whakapeto

1. (noun) food chain.

aho tāhuhu

1. (noun) first weft - the first line in weaving that sets the rest of the pattern.

Ko te aho tāhuhu, koia te aho tuatahi o te whatunga tāniko. Ki ētahi, ko te aho tapu. Ko tā tēnei aho, he pupuri i ngā whenu, he whakatakoto hoki i te tūāpapa o te tauira e whatua ana (RTA 2014:74). / The first weft, which is the first weft line of tāniko weaving. Some call this the sacred weft. The purpose of this weft is to hold the warp strands and to set the foundation of the pattern being woven.

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See also aho tapu

pou tāhuhu

1. (noun) post supporting the ridge pole in the front wall inside a meeting house - sometimes written as one word, i.e. poutāhuhu.

tāhuhu tangata

1. (noun) curriculum vitae (CV).

Tukuna mai tō tāhuhu tangata hei tirotiro mā mātou (HJ 2015:145). / Please send you CV for us to look at.

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ringa āwhina tāhūhū

1. (noun) executive personal assistant.

tāhuhu kōrero toi

1. (noun) art history.

Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, Te

1. Ministry of Education.

I noho wātea tonu ia ki te āwhina i ngā tari kāwanatanga, arā, i te Tari Toko i te Ora, i Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga me te Kaporeihana Whare (TTR 2000:232). / He was always free to assist government departments, such as Social Welfare and Education, and also the Housing Corporation of New Zealand.

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