



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) head.


1. (noun) centre shoot, young centre leaf of the harakeke, new harakeke shoot.

Hutia te rito o te harakeke, kei whea to korimako e kō? (JPS 1990:55). / If you pluck out the centre shoot of the flax, where will the bellbird sing?

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awhi rito

1. (noun) leaves that embrace the centre shoot of the harakeke.

Ki te whakaaro Māori, ko te harakeke he tohu nō te whānau. Ko te rito, te tamaiti. Ka karapotia te rito e ngā awhi rito (ngā mātua) hei whakamarumaru. Ko ngā rau o waho, ko ngā tūpuna (Te Ara 2014). / In Māori thought, the harakeke (flax) plant represents the family. The centre shoot is the child. It is surrounded by the awhi rito (the parents) as protection. The outside leaves represent the grandparents and ancestors.

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1. (adjective) be black, dark in colour.

E rite ana te kara ki te waikura rino nei, ko ētahi he kākāriki, ko ētahi he pango, ko ētahi he mā, ko ētahi he mā tū-ā-whero nei (TWMNT 24/2/1874:52). / The colour is like rusty iron, some are green, some black, some white, and some of a pale red.

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2. (modifier) black, dark in colour.

He nui anō te whai rawa o te iwi kiri pango i te koura, i te hiriwa, i te peara me ngā kōhatu utu nui me te whenua (TPH 15/8/1900:2). / The blacks have great wealth in gold, silver, pearls and precious stones and land.

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3. (noun) variety of harakeke from Tawatapu district, south of Gisborne. Short, bendy variety. Overall bush has a dark appearance. Rito blades are a bronze colour. Reddish-brown margin and keel. Brownish-purple kōrari. Flowers well. used for green kete harakeke. Not good for muka.


1. (noun) variety of harakeke from Te Urewera. Tall, straight, strong, medium green blades. Reddish-brown keel and margins on the older leaf and a fine orange-red on the younger rito leaves. A good piupiu flax. Great muka flax and a strong raranga flax. early Pākehā used leaves for cordage.

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