1. (modifier) strategic, intelligence.
I a ia i Awherika ki te Raki me Itari, he tono tonu mai te mahi i a ia ki te kohi, ki te whakatau rānei i ngā rongo rautaki, i mua i te kōkiritanga atu o tā rātau ope taua matua (TTR 2000:50). / While he was in North Africa and Italy he was often required to collect and report intelligence information prior to the advance of their main battalion.
2. (noun) strategy.
Ka noho te rangatira o taua iwi rā ki te whakataka rautaki hopu, whakamate i te taniwha rā (Te Ara 2013). / The chief of the tribe sat down to prepare a strategy to capture and kill the taniwha.
rautaki paheko
1. (noun) operational strategy.
Ko te rautaki paheko: He mea nui i roto i te mahi pāngarau te whakamārama i te huarahi i tae atu ai te tamaiti ki tana whakautu. Mā konei e pakari ai tōna reo me tōna hinengaro whakaaro whaitake (TRP 2010:361). / Operational strategy: In mathematics it is important for children to explain how they achieved an answer to a particular problem. This helps to strengthen their language and mathematical reasoning (TRP 2010:361).
rautaki whakarōpū
1. (noun) grouping strategy.
He ara te rautaki whakarōpū e oti ai tētahi whakareatanga, tētahi whakawehenga rānei, arā, ko te wāwāhi tau ki ētahi rōpū māmā (TRP 2010:239). / The grouping strategy is a way of solving multiplication or division, where numbers are partitioned into simpler groups (TRP 2010:239).
rautaki wāwāhi tau
1. (noun) part-whole strategy.
He ara te rautaki wāwāhi tau e oti ai tētahi paheko tau, pēnei i te tāpiritanga, te tangohanga, te whakareatanga, te whakawehenga rānei. Ka wāwāhia ngā tau e pāhekoheko ana kia māmā ake te whakaoti (TRP 2010:237). / The part-whole strategy is an approach to solving number operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The numbers being combined are partitioned in order to make the operation easier to solve (TRP 2010:237).
rautaki tohatoha ōrite
1. (noun) equal sharing strategy.
He ara te rautaki tohatoha ōrite e oti ai tētahi whakawehenga māmā. Arā, ka tohaina ngā mea e whakawehea ana kia ōrite te maha ki tēnā rōpū, ki tēnā rōpū (TRP 2010:237). / The equal sharing strategy is a method for solving simple division. The things being divided are distributed so that there are an equal number in each group (TRP 2010:237).