



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (noun) Prime Minister, Premier - in Aotearoa/New Zealand the title of the head of government was called a 'Premier' from 1865, but changed to 'Prime Minister' in 1907.

I whakatūria a Hone Kī hei Pirimia i te pōtitanga i te tau 2008. / John Key became Prime Minister in the 2008 election.
I te ahiahitanga o taua rā, ka haere atu taua hunga nei kia kite i te Pirimia (TMP 16/12/1895:11). / In the evening of that day, the group went to see the Premier.

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Tari o Te Rūnanga Kāwanatanga me te Pirimia

1. (loan) Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


1. (loan) (personal name) Fraser, Peter Fraser (1884-1950) labourer, trade unionist, journalist, politician, Prime Minister of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Ka mutu te pakanga, e kōingo tonu ana te Pirimia a Pita Pereiha ki te whakatau i te kāpeneheihana a Tainui mō ngā whenua raupatu (TTR 1998:68). / When the war ended, the Prime Minister, Peter Fraser wanted to settle compensation for Tainui land confiscations.

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1. (loan) (personal name) Holyoake - Sir Keith Holyoake (1904-1983), New Zealand statesman, prime minister 1957 and 1960-72.

I te toanga o te Rōpū Nāhinara i te pōtitanga i te tau 1949, whakatūria ana ko Kerēhi hei hēkeretari tūmataiti mā te Minita Māori, mā Te Kōpata, ā, whai i muri i a ia mā Te Horioka (TTR 2000:61). / When the National Party won the 1949 election Grace became private secretary to the minister of Māori affairs, Ernest Corbett, and later to Keith Holyoake.

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Tūwhare, Hone

1. (personal name) (1922-2008) Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Korokoro, Ngāti Tautahi, Te Popoto, Te Uri-o-Hau - Renowned Poet and socialist who was born at Kokewai, Mangakāhia but spent most of the second part of his life at Kaka Point on the Catlins coast. Poetry collections include No Ordinary Sun and Come Rain Hail. Robert Burns Fellow at the University of Otago in 1969 and again in 1974. At the end of his two year term he published Piggy Back Moon which was shortlisted in the 2002 Montana New Zealand Book Awards. Awarded the University of Auckland Literary Fellowship in 1991. Named New Zealand's second Te Mata Poet Laureate in 1999. Among ten of Aotearoa/New Zealand's greatest living artists named as Arts Foundation of New Zealand Icon Artists at a ceremony in 2003. In 2003, awarded one of the three inaugural Prime Minister's Awards for Literary Achievement.

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