1. (noun) tablecloth, table covers.
E kainga ana ngā mea katoa hoki i rō whare - arā, ngā kākahu, ngā whāriki moenga kīhai nei i tangohia ake i te pōnānātanga, i putaputa katoa; ngā pukapuka i whakapirihia ki ngā pakitara o te whare, ngā whāriki o ngā nohoanga me ngā papa-kai, ngā pūtu, me ngā aha noa atu, i pau katoa i taua hanga te ngau (TWMNT 9/2/1875:33). / Everything inside the house was being eaten - namely clothes, mattresses, that in the confusion were left unmoved, were riddled; paper on the walls of the house, the upholstery on the seating, table covers, boots, and everything, were all eaten by that swarm.
2. (noun) table.
I hangaia ki ngā rākau papa, a ngā Māori, tētahi tēpara roa, puta rawa ki tētahi pito ki tētahi pito o te rūma o te kura, hei papa-kai mā ngā mātua o ngā tamariki (TWMNT 26/1/1875:14). / A long table was made with timber planks, supplied by the Māori, reaching from one end of the school room to the other, as a table for the children's parents.