



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (location) Doubtful Sound (Fiordland).


1. (modifier) unencumbered, freed from burdens, free.

I te haerenga o tana pōtiki ki te kura, kua noho pātea a Hine, otirā me te mokemoke anō (PK 2008:613). / When her youngest child went to school Hine was free at home, but lonely.

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pukupuku pātea

1. (noun) cloak with an ornamental border.

Ko ngā kākahu ēnei o roto o te puku—: he kaitaka, he pukupuku pātea, he pukupuku, he kahu-waero, he kahu-toroa, he pūahi, he kākahu-kura, he kahu-kiwi, he kahu-kekeno, he maiaorere, he kahakaha, he korirangi, he tātata, he mangaeka tātara, he pūreke, me ērā atu (NM 1928:129). / These were the garments that were in the stomach: a flax fibre cloak with tāniko border, a cloak with an ornamental border, a flax cloak, a cape of dog tail skins, a cape covered with albatross down, a cloak of strips of dogskin, a cape of red feathers, a kiwi feather cloak, a sealskin cape, a maiaorere fine cloak, an undergarment, a cloak ornamented with black and white thrums of unscraped flax, a flax garment worn from the waist, a cape of undressed and undyed flax, a garment of undressed flax leaves, and other garments.

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maka pātea

1. (noun) free throw.

whana pātea

1. (noun) free kick.

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