



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (personal noun) Orion's Belt - three belt stars of Orion arranged in a straight line below and to the right of Rigel forming part of the stern of the large constellation called Te Waka o Tamarēreti.

Kakau a Māui, Te

1. (noun) Orion - the three stars of the belt of Orion (The Pot) is known as Tautoru, but Te Kakau includes these three and another row extending out from them at an angle suggesting a 'handle'. Sometimes also called Te Huihui o Te Kakau.

See also Kakau, Te, Tautoru

Synonyms: Kakau, Te

Kakau, Te

1. (noun) Orion - the three stars of the belt of Orion (The Pot) is known as Tautoru, but Te Kakau includes these three and another row extending out from them at an angle suggesting a 'handle'. Sometimes also called Te Huihui o Te Kakau. Stowell gives Te Kakau as Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo.

See also Tautoru

Synonyms: Kakau a Māui, Te

Tuke o Tautoru, Te

1. (noun) Orion's Belt - three belt stars of Orion arranged in a straight line immediately below Rigel forming part of the stern of the large constellation called Te Waka o Tamarēreti.

Tira o Puanga, Te

1. (personal noun) stars of Orion's Belt.


1. (personal name) Orion's Belt - a line of three bright stars in the eastern sky in early morning.

Kei te whakaata mai a Puanga-rua i roto i te Kāhui o Tautoru mō te marangai kei a Haki-haratua, arā, kei a Mei (TTT 1/3/1930:2007). / Rigel appears in the constellation of Orion's Belt for the rain in the lunar month of Haki-haratua, that is, May.

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See also Tuke o Tautoru, Te

Waka o Rangi, Te

1. (personal noun) The Canoe of Rangi - a great canoe in the sky made up of stars. The canoe extends from Matariki (Pleiades) at the prow to Tautoru (Orion's Belt), and includes Te Kakau (Orion's scabbard) and Te Hao o Rua (Orion's nebula) at the stern, where Taramainuku, the captain of this canoe, stands. He is the owner of a giant net that hauls the dead from the earth and places them in the canoe where the spirits of the dead spend eternity.

Waka o Tamarēreti, Te

1. (location) Tamarēreti's Canoe - a constellation in the shape of a huge canoe. Tautoru (Orion's Belt) forms the stern while Tail of the Scorpion is the prow. Māhutonga (The Southern Cross) is the anchor and The Pointers are Te Taura o te Waka o Tamarēreti (the anchor line). The canoe is known as Uruao.

See also Uruao


1. (noun) Rigel - the seventh brightest star in the sky and seen above Tautoru (Orion's Belt) in the eastern sky in early morning. With some iwi Puanga heralded the beginning of the Māori year.

See also Puanga, Puangarua

Synonyms: Puangarua


1. (personal noun) Rigel - South Island variation of Puanga - the seventh brightest star in the sky and seen above Tautoru (Orion's Belt) in the eastern sky in early morning.

Synonyms: Puanga


1. (personal name) Rigel - the seventh brightest star in the sky and seen above Tautoru (Orion's Belt) in the eastern sky in early morning. With some iwi Puanga heralded the beginning of the Māori year.

Tākina mai rā ngā huihui o Matariki, Puanga, Tautoru, ka ngaro Atutahi māna e whakarewa te tini whetū riki ka rewa kei runga (TJ 11/5/1899:4). / The constellations of the Pleiades, Rigel, Orion rise and Canopus disappears and elevates the many small stars suspended above.

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See also Poaka, Puaka

Synonyms: Puaka


1. (personal name) Rigel - when it rises in the new year. It is the seventh brightest star in the sky and seen above Tautoru (Orion's Belt) in the eastern sky in early morning. With some iwi Puangarua heralded the beginning of the Māori year.

Kei te whakaata mai a Puangarua i roto i te Kāhui o Tautoru mō te marangai kei a Haki-haratua, arā, kei a Mei (TTT 1/3/1930:2007). / Rigel appears in the constellation of Orion's Belt for the rain in the lunar month of Haki-haratua, that is, May.
Mō te marama o Hune, arā o Te Tahi o Pipiri o te Tau, 1922: Ko Matariki te whetū o te tau tawhito kei te arahi mai i a Puangarua, te whetū o te tau hou (TTT 1/6/1922:10). / For the month of June, that is the first lunar month of the year, 1922: The Pleiades is the star of the old year that heralds Rigel, the star of the new year.

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Synonyms: Poaka


1. (personal noun) Mintaka - the westernmost of the three stars in Tautoru (Orion's Belt), although it is actually a double star.


1. (personal noun) Betelgeuse - the tenth brightest star, found in the Orion constellation.

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