1. (verb) to be alienated.
I te whakatūnga i a Kara Puketapu hai hēkeretari mō te Tari Māori i te tau 1977, tohua ana e ia ko Pēwhairangi hai kaiāwhina i te mahi whakaū i te kaupapa Tū Tangata, he kaupapa rā hai whakaora ake i ngā taiohi Māori e manene nei i ngā tāone, kia tūhonoa anō ai ki ō rātau iwi (TTR 2000:148). / When Kara Puketapu was appointed secretary of the Department of Māori Affairs in 1977, he asked Pēwhairangi to assist in implementing the Tū Tangata programme, a project to rescue Māori youth alienated in towns so that they could be connected to their tribes.
2. (noun) pilgrim.
3. (modifier) immigrating.
Nō te tau 1966, i arahina mai e ia tētahi ope manene i Tokelau ki Ākarana, āwhina atu hoki ia i tā rātau āta noho ki Aotearoa (TTR 2000:171). / In 1966 he led a group immigrating from Tokelau to Auckland, and helped them settle into Aotearoa/New Zealand.
4. (noun) stranger, one living in a strange country, immigrant, foreigner.
Nō ka rūnanga rātou, ā hokona ana ki aua mea te māra a te kaihanga rīhi, hei tanumanga mō ngā manene (PT Matiu 27:7). / And they took council, and bought with those things the potter’s field, to bury strangers in.