1. (personal name) atua from whom Māui obtained fire.
Ko te whakamaharatanga tēnei ki te āhua o te whenua i hangā houtia nei e te kāpura a Mahuika, i māmingatia nei e tana mokopuna e Māui-tikitiki-o-Taranga (KO 24/8/1886:7). / This is a memorial to the landscape reconstructed by the fire of Mahuika who was tricked by Māui-tikitiki-o-Taranga.
Mahuika, Apirana Tuahae Kaukapakapa
1. (personal name) (1934-2015) Ngāti Porou; leader, orator, expert in Māori language and customs. Ordained as a minister in the Anglican Church in 1964. Gained a BA from the University of Auckland, and an MA from Sydney. Awarded an Honorary Doctorate from The University of Waikato in 2004. Chairman of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou and oversaw the vesting of the legal title of Hikurangi Maunga and the Ngāti Porou settlement with the Crown. Member of the Council and Te Rōpū Manukura of The University of Waikato.
1. (noun) fire - according to most creation narratives, Māui obtained fire from Mahuika. The power of fire was recognised and sacred fires were associated with the tohunga and the tapu of the tūāhu and with rituals.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 86-87;)
I te mea ka tae mai te ahi ki reira, kātahi te tangata nei ka rere ki roto i te taika wai rāua ko tētahi atu tangata, ka whakamākūtia hoki he paraikete mō rāua (TPH 10/1/1906). / When the fire reached that place then this man and another one fled into the tank of water and they doused blankets with water.