mahi tahi
1. (verb) to work together, collaborate, cooperate.
Ka mahi tahi a Hōne rāua ko tōna tuakana – ko Hōne te tauira, ko Pine te tohunga – ki te mahi i ngā whakairo mō Te Hono ki Rarotonga, he wharenui kai te kokoru o Tokomaru (TTR 1998:182). / John Taiapa and his older brother worked together - John as a trainee and Pine the expert - on the carvings for Te Hono ki Rarotonga, a meeting house at Tokomaru Bay.
2. (noun) working together, collaboration, cooperation, teamwork.
Ko au te rangatira ake, ko tētahi o ngā Hēhita taku kaiāwhina. He pai hoki tā māua mahi tahi (HP 1991:245). / I was the actual leader and one of the Sisters was my assistant. And we worked well together.