1. (noun) mānuka, tea-tree, Leptospermum scoparium - a common native scrub bush with aromatic, prickly leaves and many small, white, pink or red flowers.
Ka huna ngā tāngata tokorua i roto i te mānuka, kotahi ki tētahi taha, kotahi ki tētahi taha (TTR 1990:308). / The two men hid in the mānuka, one on each side.
2. (noun) mānuka stick.
Ko te tautara a taku māmā he mānuka (HP 1991:14). / My mother's fishing rod was a mānuka stick.
3. (noun) challenge stick - the stick or baton that the kaiwero lays down at the pōhiri to a distinguished visitor.
Kātahi ka kōkiri te matua a Ngāti Raukawa. Ka motu mai ki te ara, ka haere te kaiwhakatakoto i te mānuka, i muri e whana atu ana te kaiwero - ko Kemene Piharau o Wairarapa (TWMNT 12/12/1872:150). / Then Ngāti Raukawa's army thrust forward. When they had moved some distance the man laying down the challenge stick went forward and after that the challenger, Kemene Piharau of Wairarapa, sprang forward.
4. (noun) weapon.
Nāu ko te mānuka, nāku ko te mānuka, ka taitu te hoariri (HTK 3/3/1894:1). / With your weapon and mine the enemy will be impeded.
mānuka rauriki
1. (noun) kānuka, white tea-tree, Kunzea ericoides - leaves similar to mānuka but soft to touch. Taller than mānuka. Has small white flowers. Leaves are soft, unlike mānuka leaves which are prickly.
See also kānuka