1. (verb) to be foul-smelling, smelly, nauseating.
Ki te kore e āta horoia ngā niho me ngā pae, tērā pea ka pā he mate ki ngā pae - ka pupuhi, ka wherowhero, ka mamae, ā, ka keha anō te hā (HJ 2012:262). / If the teeth and gums aren't cleaned properly, problems might occur with the gums - they'll swell, become red and painful, and the breath will be foul-smelling.
Synonyms: paratoketoke
2. (noun) flea - tiny, jumping, wingless, blood-sucking insects which look as though they have been flattened sideways.
He rite tonu te rakuraku a te kurī i te kaikainga e te keha. / The dog is continually scratching because of the biting by the fleas.
See also puruhi
3. (noun) ulcer, sore.
He mea kōmekemeke ngā rau hei tākai mō ngā keha, mō te mate paipai hoki (Te Ara 2011). / Leaves were pounded and applied as a poultice for ulcers and venereal disease.
4. (noun) turnip, Brassica rapa, turnip-like plants.
Nui rawa atu te tupu o tērā keha, o te pīti ki Niu Tireni nei (MM 22/9/1853:2). / That turnip-like plant, the beetroot grows very well in New Zealand.