1. (verb) (-ria) to swim, bathe.
Synonyms: whakakaukau
2. (modifier) swimming, bathing.
Nā te mahara tonu ōna ki te oranga o te iwi kāinga, i hangaia ai e ia ētehi wāhi kaukau waiariki i Rāhotu (TTR 1996:216). / Ever mindful of the welfare of the local people, he built some hot water spas in Rāhotu.
Synonyms: kaukauranga
3. (noun) swim.
Ka mutu tā mātau kaukau, ka hoki mātau ki te kura (HP 1991:43). / When our swim was finished we returned to school.
rūma kaukau
1. (loan) (noun) bathroom.
Ka mahia he kāinga tuarua, itiiti noa iho nei, i runga i tētahi toropuke e anga ana ki te huarahi matua: he rūma kaukau wehe nei tētahi wāhi (i te wā o te takahuritanga o te rau tau, kāore anō kia kitea he mea pērā) me tētahi taupoki, he mea huna (TTR 1996:202). / A second, smaller house was built on a rise overlooking the main road: it had a separate bathroom (something not yet seen at the turn of the century) and a secret trapdoor.