2. (loan) (location) Greece - a country in SE Europe.
I roto i taua tau ka whawhai a Kariki ko tētahi o ngā iwi toa o te ao e rongo nei tātau, ki a Tāke he whenua te take o tā rāua pakanga... (TJ 11/1/1898:5). / In that year, Greece, one of the militant ethnic groups of the world that we know about, fought Turkey, land being the reason for the war...
3. (loan) (noun) Greek (person).
Ko te iwi tāngata o taua moutere, he Kariki, he Hū, he Amerikana, he Ārepa, he Tāke, he Itāriana (TW 10/8/1878:401). / The people of that island are Greeks, Jews, Americans, Arabs, Turks and Italians.