



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (numeral) nine, 9.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 5;)

E iwa o ngā hēramana me te kāpene i paremo (KO 16/2/1886:4). / Nine sailors and the captain drowned.

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2. (numeral) ninth - when used with this meaning it is preceded by te and followed by o.

I te iwa o Māehe ka uru mai a Kāwana Kerei mā runga i te kaipuke, i te Castor (TTR 1990:269). / On 9 March Governor Grey entered on the ship Castor.

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Synonyms: tuaiwa

3. (numeral) grouping of nine.

Ko ia te Māori tuatahi i riro nāna te tari i whakahaere, ā, mau ana i a ia te tūranga nei mō te iwa tau (TTR 2000:187). / He was the first Māori to head the department and he held the position for nine years.

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4. (numeral) combines with other words to form other numbers.

Ko te tini o ngā reo o te ao nei e tae ana ki te rua mano e iwa tekau mā whā (KO 15/8/1885:8). / The many languages of the world number two thousand and ninety four.

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5. (noun) ninth month of the Māori lunar calendar - approximately equivalent to February.

Ko whiti ake ai te iwa o ngā marama, ka puta mai te taua puretumu a Ngāti Hauā ki Parahaki, ki te kāinga i patua ai te tūpāpaku (JPS 1990:19). / The ninth month had passed when Ngāti Hauā's party seeking redress appeared at Parahaki, at the village where the victim was killed.

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ngahuru mā iwa

1. (numeral) be nineteen, nineteenth (following te).

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 12;)

See also tekau mā iwa

Synonyms: tekau mā iwa

tekau mā iwa

1. (numeral) be nineteen, nineteenth (following te).

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 16;)

Synonyms: ngahuru mā iwa

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