



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (personal name) Honourable - a title indicating eminence or distinction given to cabinet ministers, High Court judges, etc.

I muri i tēnei ka haere mai ki te tāone, ki Hanatere, a Māhuta, a Taingākawa me ngā rangatira e 20, me te Hōnore Timi Kara kia kōrero whakariterite i ngā take kōrero anō mō taua pire (TJ 12/4/1898:8). / After this, Mahuta, Taingākawa and 20 chiefs with the Honourable James Carroll went to the town of Huntly to closely discuss the implications of that bill.

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1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to honour.

...koia ngā waea tuku whakaatu whakamoemiti, hōnore, i tukua e te kāwana i runga i te mana o ngā iwi e rua, o Niu Tīreni, Pākehā, Māori hoki... (TJ 4/1/1898:4). / ...these were the telegrams praising and honouring sent by the governor under the authority of the two races of New Zealand, the Pākehā and the Māori...

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2. (loan) (modifier) honourable, honoured.

Kia ora koutou, mō koutou i whakaaro nui ki te whakatū i te ingoa rangatira hōnore o tō tātau wahine Ariki Kuīni o Ingarangi, hei reo mō te ao, hei reo mō tātau (TJ 11/1/1898:6). / Greetings to you for the wonderful idea to establish the honoured chiefly name of our noble woman Queen of England as the voice for the world and for us.

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3. (loan) (modifier) honorary.

I te tau 1974 harikoa katoa ana ia i te whakatūnga i a ia e te rōpū o ngā hōia mōrehu o Tūranga hai mema hōnore mō tō rātau rōpū (TTR 2000:191). / In 1974 she was delighted to be granted honorary membership of the Gisborne RSA (DNZB 2000:456).

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4. (loan) (noun) honour, prestige, majesty.

Nā te kaha o tēnei kamupene ki te hāpai i te kaupapa tā pukapuka i roto i te reo Māori, kua riro tētahi o ngā hōnore nui o te ao ki runga i a rātou. / Because of the strength of this company in promoting publishing in the Māori language, they have been awarded one of the prestigious international honours.

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Synonyms: kīngitanga, korōria, mana, hau, whakahirahiratanga

tohu hōnore

1. (loan) (noun) honorary doctorate.

He tohu hōnore tēnei mō tōna tohungatanga ki te tuhi i ngā kōrero o nehe, i ngā waiata, i ngā pepeha (TTT 1/8/1930:2132). / This is an Honorary doctorate award for his expertise in writing the historical accounts, songs and tribal sayings.

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hōnore kore

1. (loan) (noun) dishonour, discredit.

Otiia i te whare nui ehara i te mea he kōura kau, he hiriwa kau rānei ngā oko, tērā anō ētahi he mea rākau, he mea oneone; ētahi hei mea hōnore, ētahi hei mea hōnorekore (PT 2Timoti 2:20). / But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honour and some for dishonour.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to bless, honour, venerate.

I whakaae anō hoki ia ki te takawai wai moana hei whakamānawa māna i te tūroro, hei hiki rānei i te tapu, mahue ana te wai māori ki rahaki (TTR 1998:50). / He accepted a flask of sea water, which he used in place of fresh water, to bless the patient and remove tapu.

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2. (noun) tribute, honour, award, prize.

Nei a mahara ka hoki ki te marae o Kirikiriroa, ki te pō i whakawhiwhia atu ai e Te Taura Whiri tōna anō whakamānawa i te hunga pēnā i a koe nā kua eke nei ki ngā kōtihitihi o tō tāua reo me ōna āhuatanga (HM 1/1994:1). / My thoughts return to Kirikiriroa marae, to the night when the Māori Language Commission awarded its tribute to the people like you who have reached the pinnacle of fluency in our language.

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Synonyms: matapopore, puiaki, paraihe

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