1. (verb) (-na) to trade, barter, exchange, sell, buy, export, alternate.
E kīia ana kei ētahi wāhi o te ao ētahi, he hokohoko māti te mahi (TTT 1/11/1929:1919). / It is said that in some parts of the world there are some whose job is selling matches.
Synonyms: hokonga, tauhokohoko, hoko
2. (noun) shopping plaza.
whare hokohoko
1. (noun) general store, shop.
Mā te moni ka riro mai he parau i te whare hokohoko o te Pākehā (HP 1991:14). / With the finances, a plough could be obtained from the Pākehā store.
Synonyms: whare pūkainga taonga, toa
Tāke Hokohoko
1. (loan) (noun) Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Me mōhio te ākonga ki te whakanui, ki te whakaiti rānei i te rahinga o tētahi mea, i runga anō i te nui o tētahi ōrau kua whakaritea, pēnei i te whakapikinga utu taonga, i te whakahekenga utu taonga, i te Tāke Hokohoko rānei (Pa 1996:35). / The student should know how to increase or reduce the quantity of something according to a set percentage, such as the mark-up or discount on goods or GST.