2. (noun) red cod, Pseudophycis bachus - a fish reddish brown above, silvery pink on sides, paler below. Elongated body with two dorsal fins and soft scales.
2. (loan) (modifier) soccer, football.
He tīma whutupōro tō mātau, e rua ō mātau tīma hoka (HP 1991:53). / We had a rugby team and two soccer teams.
2. (verb) (-ia,-ina) to hold aloft .
Ka tū rā Hurukahu, ka hoka i tana patu (M 2004:388). / Yonder stood Hurukahu holding his weapon aloft (M 2004:389).
1. (stative) be projecting sharply upwards, sticking up.
He nunui, he roroa te tāngata i ō rātou rā, hoka ana ngā turi ki muri i ō rātou taringa ka mate (TTT 1/5/1925:222). / People were large and tall in their day and died when their knees protruded sharply behind their ears (i.e. they died when they were very old).