hau kāinga
1. (noun) home, true home, local people of a marae, home people.
Ko te hiahia o te whānau me moe kē ia i te tangata o te hau kāinga, kua oti kē i a rātou te whakarite māna, kia tūhonohono ai ngā whenua o ngā whānau e rua nei (TTR 2000:28). / In order to unite the lands of the two families, the family wanted her to marry a local man and had already arranged that for her.
1. (noun) home, true home, local people of a marae, home people.
Nāna i whakakīkī te nuinga o te iwi o Taumutu kia hoki ki te haukāinga i runga i tana kī atu kua ū te maungārongo i reira (TTR 1990:146). / He persuaded the majority of the people of Taumutu to return home on his assurance that peace had been established there.
See also hau kāinga
Synonyms: tangata whenua, iwi kāinga