



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (interjection) an exclamation expressing assent.

Anō te rite o tēnei hīkoi ki tērā o ngā Iniana o Amerika, arā te Trail of Broken Treaties i tū ki Amerika i te tau 1972. Eaoia ko te whakamīharotanga pea o te hīkoi ko te kotahitanga mai o ngā whakahaerenga a te Māori, pēnei i te Kīngitanga, te Kaunihera Māori, Ngā Tamatoa, te Rōpū Wāhine Māori, me ētahi anō i urupū (Te Ara 2015). / This march was similar to that of the Native Americans, that is the Trail of Broken Treaties held in the United States of America in 1972. Significantly perhaps the amazing thing of the march was the alliances brought about between many Māori organisations, including the Kīngitanga, the New Zealand Māori Council, Ngā Tamatoa, the Māori Women’s Welfare League and other groups.

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