



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (verb) to have Christmas, spend Christmas.

Tētahi kupu nui ki a ia, nā ngā tāngata o Waimamaku, i tae mai ki te hui; pēnei, me Kirihimete ia ki Waimamaku ā tēnei tau 1909 (TP 8/1909:11). / An important message to him from the people of Waimamaku who came to the meeting, was that he should spend Christmas at Waimamaku this year in 1909.

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2. (loan) (noun) Christmas.

Nō te Kirihimete o te tau 1814, ka kauwhau ia i tana kauwhau tuatahi ki a Ngā Puhi i Oihi (TKO 31/8/1919:3). / At Christmas in 1814 he preached his first sermon to Ngā Puhi at Oihi.

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1. (noun) pōhutukawa, New Zealand Christmas tree, Metrosideros excelsa, Metrosideros kermadecensis, Metrosideros bartlettii - trees found in coastal areas which bear large, red flowers about Christmas time and have leaves which are velvety-white underneath. Metrosideros bartlettii has white flowers and occurs in the northern North Island.

Ka tino purotu te puāwai o te rākau, arā, o te kōwhai, o te hutukawa, o te rātā, o te heketara, o te rangiora (TTT 1/4/1929:972). / The flowers of the trees were quite beautiful, that is of the kōwhai, the pōhutukawa, the rātā, the tree daisy and the rangiora.

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See also pōhutukawa

Synonyms: pōhutukawa, kaihika

2. (noun) head-dress - traditionally of red feathers.

Nā, ka tino tata tonu mai ka kite tonu mai i uta nei, ka whiua te hutukawa, i hua ki te rātā, e mumura atu ana i uta nei he hutukawa (NM 1928:95). / Now, when they were quite close they could see the shore clearly and they threw away their head-dresses because the rātā trees blooming and the pōhutukawa trees were in brilliant colour on the shore.

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1. (noun) pōhutukawa, New Zealand Christmas tree, Metrosideros excelsa, Metrosideros kermadecensis, Metrosideros bartlettii - trees found in coastal areas which bear large, red flowers about Christmas time and have leaves which are velvety-white underneath. Metrosideros bartlettii has white flowers and occurs in the northern North Island.

Ka whakataukī atu a Kiwi ki a Waha-akiaki, “Kia pēnei, tō kōuma āpōpō e iri ana i te pōhutukawa i Kai-arero.” (JPS 1923:234) / Kiwi uttered a proverb to Waha-akiaki, “It will be like this, tomorrow your breast-bone will be hanging on the pōhutukawa tree at Kai-arero.”

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Synonyms: hutukawa, kaihika


1. (noun) pōhutukawa, New Zealand Christmas tree, Metrosideros excelsa - tree found in coastal areas which bear large, red flowers about Christmas time and have leaves which are velvety-white underneath.

See also pōhutukawa

Synonyms: hutukawa


1. (noun) Chatham Island Christmas tree, Brachyglottis huntii - a tall, showy shrub from the Chatham Islands. The lance-shaped pale green leaves roll back slightly at the edges. In summer, golden-yellow daisies crown the tree. Found on the Chatham Islands.

Meri Kirihimete

1. (loan) (noun) Merry Christmas.

Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia” (e kī ana te Pākehā) ki ngā iwi me ngā hapū katoa (HKW 12/1898:6). / “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” (as the Pākehā say) to all the tribes and hapū.

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Synonyms: Mere Kirihimete

kāri Kirihimete

1. (loan) (noun) Christmas card.

Mere Kirihimete

1. (loan) (noun) Merry Christmas.

…otiia ki tāku titiro, ko te kīnakinakitanga o ngā mahi i pēnā me tētahi Mere Kirihimete paramu purini, ā, ka āpiti atu hoki te Hapi Nuia hei whakakoa i ngā ngākau (TP 12/1904:8). / …but the way I saw it, the embellishment of the activities was like a Merry Christmas plum pudding, with a Happy New Year added to gladden the heart.

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Synonyms: Meri Kirihimete


1. (noun) Christmas orchid, Winika cunninghamii - a wiry, pendent orchid that reaches 2 m in length and 1.5 m in width with widely spaced, intertwining leaves and branches. Stems are cane-like, long and thin. Inflorescences have 1-6 whitish flowers on short lateral stems. An epiphyte found in coastal and montane forests.

Mātene, Te

1. (personal name) Samuel Marsden (1765-1838) - an early missionary to Aotearoa, first preaching on Christmas Day 1814.

He kōrero tēnei mō te kawenga mai o te Rongo Pai e Te Mātene ki Niu Tīreni (TH 1/1860:2). / This is an account of the bringing of the Gospel to New Zealand by Mr Marsden.

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See also Mātenga, Te

Synonyms: Mātenga, Te

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