Tai Tokerau, Te
1. (location) Northland, North Auckland.
(Te Pihinga Teachers' Manual (Ed. 2): 78;)
Atu i tēnei wā, i kaha rawa atu tana whakauru ki ngā kaupapa tōrangapū Māori ki Te Tai Tokerau (TTR 1994:117). / From this time he became increasingly involved in the Māori political issues of Northland.
See also tokerau
Synonyms: Hiku-o-te-ika, Te
taura here
1. (noun) binding ropes, urban kinship group, domestic migrants, kinship link - a term sometimes used for tribal members in the city who join taura here groups to help to retain their identity and links back to their tribal homelands. These link back to iwi organisations and often taura here representatives have a place on iwi boards. For example, Te Runanga nui o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Upoko o Te Ika is the Wellington taura here group for Ngāti Kahungunu. There are two taura here groups in Auckland for Ngā Puhi – Te Taura Here ki Manurewa (South Auckland) and Te Taura Here o Ngāpuhi ki Waitākere (North and West Auckland).
Nō te tau 1925 i whakatūria a ia hai kaikaunihera whakahaere mō te Kotahitanga o ngā Tāngata Mahi o Niu Tīreni mō te rohe o Tūranga, ka noho nei ia hai tino taura here mō te uniana nei me ngā Māori o te taiwhanga o Tūranganui-a-Kiwa (TTR 2000:121). / In 1925 he was appointed as the New Zealand Workers’ Union’s executive councillor for the Gisborne district, and he became a key link between the union and Māori of Poverty Bay.
2. (noun) leash.