



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (determiner) my - when talking of more than one thing. A possessive determiner which must be followed by a noun, unlike āku and ōku. This is the neutral or informal form and is not governed by the a and o categories. It cannot be stressed, in which case either āku or ōku must be used, depending on the category of the noun.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 52; Te Kākano Study Guide (Ed. 1): 1;)

Ko aku tīpuna ērā. Those are my grandparents. / Those are my grandparents.

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See also ngaku

Synonyms: ngōku, āhaku, āku, ōku


1. (determiner) my, of mine, belonging to me (more than one thing) - a possessive determiner. Used when the possessor has, or had, control of the relationship or is dominant, active or superior to what is possessed.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 52-56;)

Kua ngaro āku ake kōpae pūoro. / My own CDs are missing.

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See also āhaku, wāku

Synonyms: ngōku, āhaku, aku, ōku

2. (determiner) I have (more than one thing).

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 108-110;)

He hui āku āpōpō. / I have meetings tomorrow.

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3. Used in these ways listed above when the possessor has control of the relationship or is dominant, active or superior to what is possessed.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 54-56, 108-110, 140-141;)


1. (noun) textile fibre.

ki ōku (nei) whakaaro ...

1. I think, in my opinion - a phrase used by a speaker to introduce an idea or opinion.

Ki ōku nei whakaaro me pana tō tātou tumuaki. / I think our principal should be sacked.

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1. my - when talking of more than one thing. This is the Tainui variation of aku. A possessive determiner which must be followed by a noun, unlike āku and ōku. This is the neutral or informal form and is not governed by the a and o categories. It cannot be stressed, in which case either āku or ōku must be used, depending on the category of the noun.

Tirohia ngaku makawe! (HKKT 2011:7). / Look at my hair!

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See also aku

Synonyms: tāhaku, taku, tōhoku, ōhoku

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