



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (personal name) atua who provided guidance and protection in war, Halley's Comet - seen by earth every 75 years and last seen in 1986.

Ko tētahi o ana tino maumaharatanga ko tana kitenga i te unahiroa o Rongomai e topa ana i Waimārama i te tau 1910 (TTR 1998:91). / One of his cherished memories was seeing Halley's comet soaring over Waimārama in 1910.

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See also atua

Whiti-o-Rongomai, Erueti Te

1. (personal name) (?-1907) Te Āti Awa, Taranaki; leader and prophet who helped establish Parihaka and a passive resistance movement against Pākehā land confiscation.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 89-99; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 3;)


1. (personal noun) Poll - name given to Tohu Kākahi's followers because they would not wear the raukura of albatross feathers that Te Whiti o Rongomai's followers wear so were likened to cattle that had been polled, or dehorned.

Ko te ingoa o ngā pononga a Tohu ko ngā Pore (he kau kua tangohia ngā pīhi) nā te mea kāore rātou e mau i te raukura toroa (TTR 1994:183). / Tohu's followers became known as Pore (polled, or dehorned cattle), because they would not wear the raukura (white albatross feather emblem).

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