1. (personal noun) tenth lunar month of the Māori year - approximately equivalent to March. Also the name of Altair, the brightest star in the constellation of Aquila, whose appearance in the night sky heralds the start of the month. Others say that Ōtamarākau (Fomalhaut) is the star of the lunar month of Poutūterangi.
Poutūterangi: Kua hauhake te kai (Best 1922:16). / Poutūterangi: The crops are harvested.
2. (personal noun) Altair - the brightest star in the constellation Aquila.
Ngahuru o Poutūterangi, Te
1. (personal noun) tenth lunar month of the Māori year - approximately equivalent to March.
Ko te putanga mai o Matariki te tohu mō te marama tuatahi, ko ngā ingoa hoki ēnei o ngā marama katoa: Te Tahi o Pipiri, Te Rua o Takurua,Te Toru Here o Pipiri, Te Whā o Mahuru, Te Rima o Kōpū, Te Ono o Whitiānaunau, Te Whitu o Hakihea, Te Waru o Rehua, Te Iwa o Rūhi-te-rangi, Te Ngahuru o Poutūterangi, Te Ngahuru mā tahi, Te Ngahuru ma rua (TP 1/3/1901:6). / The appearance of Pleiades is the sign for the first month and these are the names of all the months: The first is Pipiri, the second is Takurua, the third is Here o Pipiri, the fourth is Mahuru, the fifth is Kōpū, the sixth is Whiti-ānaunau, the seventh is Hakihea, the eighth is Rehua, the ninth is Rūhi-te-rangi, the tenth is Poutūterangi, the eleventh and twelfth months.