2. (noun) fruit of the kahikatea.
Ka kīia ngā hua o te kahikatea he koroī (Te Ara 2015). / The fruit of the kahikatea tree is called koroī.
3. (noun) cone.
Ko te koroī te taihemahema o tēnei rōpū rākau (RP 2009:364). / The cone of this class of trees is the reproductive organ.
2. (noun) gymnosperm.
tau koroī
1. (noun) a future time, future years - a figurative use for an indefinite postponement.
Hei te tau koroī rā anō (NP 2001:75). / Put off until the berries of the white pine appear (NP 2001:75). (A saying referring to the irregular fruiting of the kahikatea and implies an indefinite postponement.)