1. (loan) (noun) covenant, testament, charter, contract, agreement, treaty - any undertaking that binds the parties in a permanent and morally irrevocable relationship.
Ka horahia he kawenata kia kaua ngā rākau o taua ngahere e tuaina mō āke tonu atu. / A covenant was placed on that forest that trees would never be felled.
Kawenata Tahito
1. (loan) (noun) Old Testament.
Synonyms: Kawenata Tawhito
Kawenata Tawhito
1. (loan) (noun) Old Testament.
Ahakoa i eke tōna mōhiotanga ki te Kawenata Tawhito ki te taumata e tareka ai e ia te taupetupetu, ko te āhua nei kāre ia i huri ki te whakapono Karaitiana (TTR 1994:39). / Although he knew enough of the Old Testament to be able to debate, it appears he was not converted to Christianity.
Synonyms: Kawenata Tahito