2. (noun) gravel, shingle.
He pai mēnā he one-paraumu, he māmā hoki te mahi, ko te kirikiri ka ruia ki raro i ngā rau kia kore ai e pāngia e te paru me te mākū (Te Ara 2011). / Dark, friable soil is desirable as it's easier to work and the gravel is sprinkled carried under the leaves, lest they suffer from the mud and wet.
3. (noun) sand.
Ka tae mātau ki reira kua pāpuni kē te ngutuawa i te kirikiri (HP 1991:16). / When we reached the river mouth it had been blocked by the sand.
ua kirikiri
1. (noun) sandstorm.
Kātahi anō au ka kite i te ua kirikiri pēnei te mātotoru, me te kaha o te pupuhi a te hau (HP 1991:182). / It was the first time that I had seen a sandstorm this thick and with the wind blowing so hard.
Synonyms: marangai kirikiri
heri kirikiri
1. (noun) sand tray.
I tana hokinga atu ki tōna takuahi, ka hangaia e ia tētahi heri kirikiri hei whakatauira ake mā ngā āpiha o te hokowhitu i te āhua o te whawhai e takatū nei rātou ki te kōkiri (TTR 2000:14). / When he returned to headquarters he set up a sand tray to illustrate to the battalion officers the nature of the battle that they were preparing to conduct.
Synonyms: pae onepū
marangai kirikiri
1. (noun) sandstorm.
Ka whiti te rā, kāore e mōhiotia i te marangai kirikiri anō (HP 1991:182). / Because of the sandstorm, you'd never know that the sun was shining.
Synonyms: ua kirikiri