



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to gravel, incorporate gravel.

Mehemea he one-matua te one, me kirikiri tēnā māra kūmara, mā te kirikiri kātahi ka pai (MA 1925:157). / If the soil is a loam that kūmara garden should be gravelled, gravel will improve it.

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2. (noun) gravel, shingle.

He pai mēnā he one-paraumu, he māmā hoki te mahi, ko te kirikiri ka ruia ki raro i ngā rau kia kore ai e pāngia e te paru me te mākū (Te Ara 2011). / Dark, friable soil is desirable as it's easier to work and the gravel is sprinkled carried under the leaves, lest they suffer from the mud and wet.

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3. (noun) sand.

Ka tae mātau ki reira kua pāpuni kē te ngutuawa i te kirikiri (HP 1991:16). / When we reached the river mouth it had been blocked by the sand.

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Synonyms: one, onepū

āhua kirikiri

1. (noun) something that does not meet with approval.

Kirikiri, Te

1. Frankton (Queenstown).

rua kirikiri

1. (noun) shingle pit, sand pit, bunker (golf).

Heoi i te mea nā ngā Māori ngā roto, nā rātou anō hoki te rua kirikiri (TTR 1990:227). / However, because Māori owned the lakes, they also owned the shingle pit.

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ua kirikiri

1. (noun) sandstorm.

Kātahi anō au ka kite i te ua kirikiri pēnei te mātotoru, me te kaha o te pupuhi a te hau (HP 1991:182). / It was the first time that I had seen a sandstorm this thick and with the wind blowing so hard.

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Synonyms: marangai kirikiri

heri kirikiri

1. (noun) sand tray.

I tana hokinga atu ki tōna takuahi, ka hangaia e ia tētahi heri kirikiri hei whakatauira ake mā ngā āpiha o te hokowhitu i te āhua o te whawhai e takatū nei rātou ki te kōkiri (TTR 2000:14). / When he returned to headquarters he set up a sand tray to illustrate to the battalion officers the nature of the battle that they were preparing to conduct.

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Synonyms: pae onepū

marangai kirikiri

1. (noun) sandstorm.

Ka whiti te rā, kāore e mōhiotia i te marangai kirikiri anō (HP 1991:182). / Because of the sandstorm, you'd never know that the sun was shining.

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Synonyms: ua kirikiri


1. (location) Seatoun - Wellington.

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