



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) Māori tattooing designs on the face or body done under traditional protocols.

Tika tonu mātou ki te whare hei kākahutanga i ō mātou kahu Māori, e takatū ana mō te haka, tā rawa te kanohi ki te moko (TP 1/12/1902:3). / We went straight to the house to change into our Māori costumes, prepare for the performance and apply the moko to our faces.

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2. (noun) logo, trademark.

Kei te poraka e mau ana te moko o te Taura Whiri (arā, ki te uma (taha mauī), he whakaahua paku noa iho), ā, kei te angaangamate ko te moko whakanui i te Tau o te Reo Māori (HM 4/1994:12). / On the sweatshirt is the logo of the Māori Language Commission (that is on the chest (left side), just a small design), and on the reverse side is the logo celebrating the Year of the Māori Language.

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3. (noun) lizard, skink and gecko - a general term. Because of their spiritual association with the atua Whiro, whose realm was of things evil, tuatara and geckos were feared.

Synonyms: mokopeke, kumukumu, mokomoko

4. (noun) reptile.


1. (noun) grandchild - a term of address used by an older person for a grandchild or a young child. Short for mokopuna.

He aha hei parakuihi māu, e moko? / What do you want for breakfast, grandchild?

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moko pirirākau

1. (noun) forest gecko, Hoplodactylus granulatus - favours more shaded environments and can change its colour scheme to merge with its background.

moko rangitahi

1. (noun) temporary moko.

tā moko

1. (verb) (-a) to tattoo, apply traditional tattoo, apply moko - sometimes written as one word, i.e. tāmoko.

Nō te tau 2007 ka tā mokoa ia e te tohunga tā moko, e Derek Lardelli (Te Ara 2016). / In 2007 she was tattooed by the traditional tattooing expert, Derek Lardelli.

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2. (modifier) traditional tattooing.

Ka mauria te tohunga tā moko nei e Ngā Puhi mai i Hauraki ki te Tai Tokerau (TWK 51:10). / This tattooing expert was taken by Ngā Puhi from Hauraki to Northland.

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3. (noun) traditional tattooing - Māori tattooing designs on the face or body done under traditional protocols.

He tohunga nō neherā mō ngā mahi whakapaipai i te tangata, mō te tā moko, mō te aha (M 2004:62). / An ancient expert in the art of personal decoration, of traditional tattooing and other arts.

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See also moko,

moko pāpā

1. (noun) common gecko, Hoplodactylus maculatus - variable in colour and pattern but usually pale brown or putty-grey marked with paler and darker shades.

See also moko tāpiri

moko tāpiri

1. (noun) common gecko, Hoplodactylus maculatus - variable in colour and pattern but usually pale brown or putty-grey marked with paler and darker shades.

Ko te moko kākāriki me te moko tāpiri ka whakanōhia kia tata ki te kōhatu mauri hei tiaki i taua kōhatu mō ake tonu atu (Te Ara 2011). / The green gecko and common gecko were released near mauri stones as guardians forever.

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moko kata

1. (noun) unidentified species of lizard.

See also moko

moko kākāriki

1. (noun) green tree gecko and jewelled gecko, Naultinus spp. - green geckos of various species found in low, dense shrubbery.

Ko te moko kākāriki me te moko tāpiri ka whakanōhia kia tata ki te kōhatu mauri hei tiaki i taua kōhatu mō ake tonu atu (Te Ara 2011). / The green gecko and common gecko were released near mauri stones as guardians forever.

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See also kākāriki

toi moko

1. (noun) art of tattooing.

He pūkenga ngā tohunga ki ngā momo toi whakairo, toi moko, te waihanga whare me ngā mahi ā-wairua (Te Ara 2013). / Tohunga were specialists in areas such as carving, tattooing, building houses and spiritual matters.

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2. (noun) tattooed preserved head - done for two reasons, either to venerate a loved one, or as a trophy of war to ridicule an enemy. In the nineteenth century toi moko were traded with Pākehā in exchange for muskets and gunpowder.

E rua tekau ngā toi moko Māori e hoki mai ana i Parī ki te wā kāinga nei. Neke atu i te rua rau tau aua tūpuna e takoto ana i roto i ngā whare pupuri taonga o Wīwī (Te Karere 12-1-2012). / Twenty tattooed preserved Māori heads are returning home from Paris. Those ancestors have been in the museums of France for more than two hundred years.

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moko tuauri

1. (noun) dinosaur - large extinct reptiles.

moko pārae

1. (noun) gecko (an unidentified species).

Te ingoa o taua waka, ko 'Mangarara'; ngā rangatira o runga, ko Wheketoro, ko te Waiopotango, ko Rauarikiao, ko Tarawhata, me ētahi atu. Nā tēnei waka i mau mai te tuatara, te teretere, te kumukumu, te moko pārae, me te moko kākāriki, (he mea āhua rite katoa ki te tuatara) (TWMNT 22/8/1876:201). / The name of the canoe was 'Mangarara', and the chiefs who came on it were Wheketoro, Waiopotango, Rauarikiao, Tarawhata, and a number of others. This canoe brought the tuatara, the brown gecko, the kumukumu, the moko pārae, and the green gecko, (all reptiles like the tuatara).

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moko kauwae

1. (noun) female chin/lip tattoo.

E nui haere ana te kitea o ngā wāhine Māori e mau moko kauwae ana. We're seeing an increase in Māori women wearing the female chin tattoo. /

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moko pārae

1. unidentified species.

tohunga tā moko

1. (noun) moko expert, tattoo expert.


1. (noun) tyrannosaurus.

Mead, Hirini Moko

1. Ngāti Awa; carver, writer, professor and leader of Ngāti Awa. Educated at Te Teko, St Stephen's School, Te Aute, University of Auckland and the University of Southern Illinois from which he graduated with a PhD. Lecturer at the University of Auckland and then founding Professor of Māori at Victoria University of Wellington. Establish Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi at Whakatāne. Chief negotiator for the Ngāti Awa claims settled in 2005. He was appointed to the Waitangi Tribunal in 2003.


1. a sort of death-watch, said to live in the thatch of houses, never see, but if heard regarded as an aituā' it is also called toke-whenua.


1. caterpillar.

Rua o te Moko, Te

1. (location) mountains between the Waiau River and the fiords.

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