



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) worker, employee, clerk, staff.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 102;)

Kīhai i roa ka tatū ia ki raro, ka tū ki waenganui o ana kaimahi kua ngau nei ō rātou ngākau i te mataku kei pau katoa rātou te kai e te ahi (TWMNT 2/7/1873:77). / Before long he reached the bottom and stood amongst his employees who were overcome by fear that they might all be consumed by the fire.

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kaimahi rangitahi

1. (noun) temporary staff.

kaimahi kairau

1. (noun) sex worker.

He wahine irawhiti, he kaiwhakangahau para huarahi hou a Carmen Rupe, he tuakiri tōna i aro nuitia, he kaimahi kairau, he tipua ia nō te hunga LGBTIQ+ i whakanuia. (Townsend, 2018) / Carmen Rupe was a trailblazing transgender woman and entertainer, a larger-than-life personality, sex worker, and celebrated LGBTIQ+ icon.

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Synonyms: kairau, karihika, kaikairau

kaimahi pāmu

1. (loan) (noun) farmer.

kaimahi tīpakopako

1. (noun) shift worker.

utu kaimahi

1. (noun) wage, salary.

Kua rapua anō e koutou ētahi tikanga mō ngā utu kaimahi me te inihua hoki ina mate aituā (TJ 13/7/1899:3). / Some procedures have been sought by you for wages and insurance if there is an accident.

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Synonyms: utu, utu ā-tau

kaimahi waimori

1. (noun) casual worker, casual labourer.

Ka taea e te kaimahi waimori te whiwhi utu hararei. / Casual workers are able to obtain holiday pay.

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kaimahi parāhi

1. (loan) (noun) coppersmith.

He maha ngā kino i meatia mai e Arehanara, e te kaimahi parāhi ki ahau... (PT 2Timoti 4:14). / Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil...

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kaimahi kōhikohiko

1. (noun) casual worker.

kimi kaimahi

1. (verb) to recruit staff.

2. (noun) staff recruitment.

kaimahi hiko

1. (noun) electrician.

putanga kaimahi

1. (noun) staff exit.

kaimahi kāwanatanga

1. (noun) civil servant.

tomonga kaimahi

1. (noun) staff entry.

kaimahi kāraho

1. (noun) deckhand - person employed to work on a ship's deck.

kaimahi ahuwhenua

1. (noun) farmer, agriculturist, agricultural worker.

kaimahi kōrere wai

1. (noun) plumber.

Te Rā Whakanui i ngā Kaimahi

1. (noun) Labour Day.

E tū ana te hura kōhatu o tō mātou kuia ā Te Rā Whakanui i ngā Kaimahi. Our grandmother's unveiling will be on Labour Day /

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1. (noun) knucklebones, fivestones, jacks - a traditional game very similar to knucklebones, usually played with five stones. In the traditional Māori game the main stone, or jack, that is thrown up is called hai, the others kaimahi.

Ko te mahi tuatahi i te ruru he whiu i ngā kōhatu e rima ki te rangi kia tau iho ki te angaangamate o te ringa, kātahi ka whiua anō kia tau mai ai ki te kapu o te ringa (PK 2008:798). / The first action in knucklebones is to throw the five stones in the air so that they land on the back of the hand, then they are tossed up again so that they land in the palm of the hand.

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See also kaimakamaka, kōruru, tutukai

Synonyms: kōruru, tutukai, kaimakamaka


1. (noun) knucklebones, fivestones, jacks - a traditional game very similar to knucklebones, usually played with five stones. In the traditional Māori game the main stone, or jack, that is thrown up is called hai, the others kaimahi.

Mā te tiro me te tāwhai i ētahi atu, ka ako te tamariki ki ngā mahi māra, kohi mātaitai hoki. Ka ako hoki ki te whakarere manu aute me te kaimakamaka (Te Ara 2015). / By watching and imitating others, children learnt gardening and gathering seafood. They also learnt to fly kites and knuckle bones.

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See also ruru, kōruru, tutukai

Synonyms: ruru, kōruru, tutukai

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