1. (noun) camp, temporary encampment, station, depot.
He taupuni nui tēnei nō ngā hapū o tēnei takiwā i ngā rā o mua. I haere mai ki konei mahi ika ai i ngā raumati (PK 2008:894). / This was a large temporary campsite of the subtribes of this region in former times. They came here for fishing activities in summer.
2. (noun) outpost.
taupuni hangarua
1. (noun) recycling centre.
Ko te mahi nui i te taupuni hangarua, ko te wehewehe, ko te whakakao i ngā momo para pērā i te konumohe, te pepa, me ngā momo kirihou (RP 2009:185). / The major task at a recycling centre is separating and collecting the different types of rubbish such as aluminium, paper and the various types of plastic.