1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to enlarge, magnify, expand.
Otirā he māmā noa te kite a te Pākehā, i tāna taonga, i te karaihe whakanui, hei whakanui i ngā mea ririki kia kitea ai (TP 4/1901:6). / But the Pākehā can easily see them with his instrument, the microscope, to enlarge tiny things so that they can be seen.
Synonyms: whakakaitā, whakarahi, whakaroaka
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to celebrate, honour, exalt, commemorate.
He whakamōhio noa atu tēnei kua mahia mai e te Taura Whiri he poraka, he tīhāte hei whakanui i te Tau o te Reo Māori (HM 4/1994:12). / This is a notification that the Māori Language Commission has produced some sweaters and Tee-shirts to celebrate Māori Language Year.
3. (modifier) enlarging, magnifying.
Otirā he māmā noa te kite a te Pākehā, i tāna taonga, i te karaihe whakanui, hei whakanui i ngā mea ririki kia kitea ai (TP 4/1901:6). / But the Pākehā can easily see them with his instrument, the microscope, to enlarge tiny things so that they can be seen.
4. (modifier) celebratory, commemorative.
Nō te tau 1897 i haere ai a Taiāwhio ki te hui whakanui i te tiupirī taimana a Kuīni Wikitōria i Rānana (TTR 1996:234). / In 1897 Taiāwhio travelled to London to the celebratory gathering of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee.
5. (noun) celebration, commemoration.
Ahakoa te roa o muri, te poto o mua, inā te nui o āna mahi āwhina i a Āpirana ki te whakahaere i ngā whakanui mō te rau tau o te hainatanga o te Tiriti o Waitangi i te tau 1940 (TTR 1998:7). / Even as his life was drawing to a close he was heavily involved, with Āpirana, in organising the celebrations in 1940 for the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Mētara Whakanui Ratonga a te Kuīni
1. (loan) (noun) Queen's Service Medal, QSM - the fourth-level Order for Community Services of the New Zealand Royal Honours System.
Synonyms: Tohu Hapori (mahi i te rohe), Te