2. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to climb upon, mount, board, embark, get on, go on board.
Ka tae ki Awarua, ka whakaeke atu rātou ko tōna whānau ki runga ki tētahi poti hī ika i waenganui pō (TTR 1996:71). / When they reached Bluff, she and her family would board a fishing boat at midnight.
3. (verb) (-a,-ngia) go onto (e.g. a marae).
I reira tonu tōna tinana e tangihia ana e ngā ope whakaeke (HP 1991:19). / Her body was right there being wept over by the groups who came onto the marae.
4. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to levy, impose.
Kua kaha haere te whakaaro kia whakaekea he reti ki runga ki ngā whenua Māori (RT 2013:106). / The idea is strengthening that rents be levied on Māori land.
5. (noun) arrival of guests, entrance.
Nō te ata o te rā o te whakaeke ka tae mai ētahi o te marae ki te wāhi e noho ana mātou ki te kī noa mai kua kore i taea e rātou te hui te whakatū nā te mea kua hinga mai he tūpāpaku ki tō rātou marae (HM 4/1998:7). / On the morning of the welcome on to the marae some of the people of the marae arrived at the place we were staying at to say that they were no longer able to host the meeting because they had a death on their marae.
6. (noun) entrance (e.g. onto a stage), entrance song, entrance item - a term used for the item of a traditional performing arts competition during which the performing group takes the stage.
Ko te whakaeke he waiata, he haka, he mau rākau, he nekeneke ā-kapa kia puta ai te kapa ki runga i te atamira (RMR 2017). / The entrance is a song, a haka, weaponry and group movements so that the group can emerge onto the stage.