(ko) taua āhua kē anō
1. in trouble again, at it again - an idiom to suggest that someone or something is back in the same predicament as at some time previously.
I mahara au kua mutu tana kai paipa. Mea rawa ake, ko taua āhua kē anō. / I thought she had stopped smoking, but it hasn't been long before she's taken it up again.
ko taua āhua tonu/ko taua āhua rā anō
1. just the same, as per usual - an idiom to indicate that nothing has changed.
Kei te pēhea a Pou? Ko taua āhua tonu. Kei te totitoti tonu ia. / How is Pou? Just the same. He's still limping.
Synonyms: e rua, e rua