1. (verb) to take breath, inhale, catch breath, rest, refresh, relax.
He kī atu ōna tākuta kia whakangā, me mutu te haere i waho, kore rawa ia e ngawhere (TP 5/1910:1). / His doctors told him to rest and to stop going outside, but he would not give in.
Synonyms: whakatā, tāmata, whakahauora, whakanā, okioki, pae, taupua, tā, whakamatua, tāoki
2. (modifier) resting, relaxing.
He takiwā whakangā nō tātau te ngahuru, te takurua, tae atu ki te tīmatanga o te kōanga (TTT 1/8/1929:1037). / Autumn, winter and the beginning of spring are relaxing times.
3. (noun) rest, relaxation, breather, time out, holiday, break, leave, vacation, spell.
rangi whakangā
1. (noun) rest day, weekend.
Synonyms: rā whakatā, rā okioki