1. (noun) lake.
I te ahiahi i a rāua e whakawhiti ana i te roto i runga pōti, ka rere tata mai ētahi wāna ki a rāua (HKW 7/1899:s1). / In the evening as they were crossing the lake by boat, some swans glided close to them.
Synonyms: kōroto
2. (noun) wetlands, swamp.
Kei te koretī mai te mātā i rō te roto (TW 21/2/1876:78). / The fernbird is calling in the wetlands.
1. (location) the inside, in, within, interior - used to refer to the space physically inside another defined space, e.g. a house, box, etc. It is a location word, or locative, which follows immediately after particles such as ki, i, hei and kei or is preceded by a when used as the subject of the sentence.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 15-16, 29-30; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 24-25;)
Ko roto o te whare, i kī katoa i te tāngata. / Inside, the house was full of people.
See also rō
iho roto
1. (noun) inner core.
He totoka, he mārō te iho roto, he ranunga o te rino (Fe) me te konukōreko (Ni). Kei te takiwā o te 1,200km te mātotoru o te iho roto (RP 2009:316). / The inner core is solid and hard, a mixture of iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni). The inner core is in the vicinity of 1,200km thick.
kare ā-roto
1. (noun) soulmate, object of passionate affection.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 104, 107; Te Pihinga Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): exercise 40;)
Ānō te rangi o te kōauau a Tūtānekai, me he rū nā anō e ueue ana i a tuawahine kia haere atu ki te kare ā-roto a tōna ngākau (NM 1928:110). / It was as if the tune of Tūtānekai's flute was an earthquake shaking our heroine to go to the love of her heart.
2. (noun) emotions, feelings, inner thoughts, heartfelt thoughts.
I a au i te huarahi e whakamau atu ana ki te kāinga, ka aro kōmuri ngā kare ā-roto ki tērā marae ātaahua i wānanga tahi ai, i whakatoi tahi ai, i mingomingo tahi ai, i whakarīrā tahi ai mātou (HM 4/1994:3). / While I was on the road heading for home the inner thoughts turned back to that beautiful marae where we had discussed, given cheek, laughed and worked hard together.
1. (personal noun) moon on the twenty-third night of the lunar month - for some tribes (e.g. Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) this is the ninth night of the lunar month.
Kāre noa i nui rawa atu ngā kōrero i rongohia mō Tangaroa-ā-roto. Heoi, e mōhio whānuitia ana koia nei tētahi o ngā pō o te wā mōmona o te maramataka Māori (WT 2013:33). / Not a lot was heard about Tangaroa-ā-roto. However it is known widely that this is one of the nights of the period of abundance in the Māori almanac.
māuiui kare ā-roto
1. (noun) mood disorder, emotional disorder.
Synonyms: māuiui aurongo