



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to reign as king.

Riro ana i a rātou te whenua o ngā Īhipiana, ā kīngitia iho ō rātou rangatira, ā taea noatia ngā rā o Mōhi (MM.TKM 30/9/1856:8). / They conquered the land of the Egyptians and their leaders ruled in Egypt till the time of Moses.

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2. (loan) (noun) king, ruler, monarch, sovereign.

Ka mate a Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu, ka whakawahia a Tūheitia Paki hei kīngi o te Kīngitanga. / When the paramount chieftainess Te Atairangikaahu died Tūheitia Paki was anointed as king of the King Movement.

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Synonyms: tauine

3. (loan) (personal name) King.

Āhua pōauau ana ngā kupu a Hoani Ngamu rāua ko Tāmati Hāpimana, i whakahoki ai i te tono a Wī Kīngi me Wī Maihi Te Rangikāheke hoki (TW 12/2/1875:8). / The response of John Ngamu and Thomas Chapman to the request of William King and William Marsh Te Rangikāheke was rather confused.

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Synonyms: Kīngi


1. (loan) (personal name) King.

Heoi i te nui o ngā raruraru o te kāwanatanga i te matenga o Kīngi Tāwhiao, kīhai i whai rūma te minita me ngā kaiwhakawā whenua me te tumuaki hoki o te kāwanatanga ki te tuku i tētehi o ngā tiati o taua kōti… (KTP 20/11/1891:3). / However, because of the problems the government were faced with after the death of King Tāwhiao, the minister, the land judges and the head of government did not have a room to send one of the court judges…

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Synonyms: kīngi

whare kīngi

1. (loan) (noun) palace, court.

He maha ngā wāhine e noho ana i roto i te whare kīngi i Huitana, hei hoa mō te Kuīni, hei mahi hoki i āna mahi (TP 7/1900:2). / There are many women living in the royal palace in Sweden, as companions for the queen, and to do work for her.

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2. (loan) (noun) royal family.

Kāore pea te nuinga o te tāngata i te mōhio he toto Hūrai kei roto o te whare kīngi o Ingarangi (TP 5/1902:11). / Most people probably don't know that there is Jewish blood in the British royal family.

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whakarau Kīngi

1. (noun) chess.

pane kīngi

1. (loan) (noun) postage stamp.

Paipera, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, me te pane kīngi 1/- (TP 11/1901:12). / Bibles, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 plus a one shilling stamp.

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Synonyms: pane kuīni

Rangitāke, Wiremu Kīngi Te

1. (personal name) (1795-1882) Te Āti Awa; leader who fought a long battle against land loss, culminating in the invasion by British forces in the first Taranaki war in 1860, after which Taranaki lands were confiscated.

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