1. (noun) jaw, chin, jawbone.
He hanga whakamataku ki te titiro atu ki ngā kanohi e whākana ana, ki ngā makawe e rere ana i te hau, ki te hūare e heke ana i ngā kauae, ki ngā niho e tetē haere ana, me ngā tinana e hurori noa ana i runga hōiho (TWM 14/5/1868:2). / It was somewhat frightening to look at the eyes staring wildly, the hair flying in the wind, the saliva dripping from the jaws, the teeth gnashing, and the body just rolling about on the back of the horse.
See also kauae raro
kauae raro
1. (noun) lower jaw.
Kātahi ka hurihia e Pou te ika rā. Ka mea atu anō a Taikehu, "Kei whea te kauae raro o tō ika?" Ka titiro a Pou, ka kite kāre he kauae raro o te ika rā (TWK 4:10). / Then Pou turned that marine mammal over. Taikehu said, "Where is the lower jaw of your marine mammal?" Pou looked and realised that the marine mammal had no lower jaw.
2. (noun) terrestrial knowledge, earthly knowledge.
Kātahi ka whakatuwheratia ngā kete e toru o te wānanga, ka tangohia mai ngā taonga o aua kete e rite ana mō te kauae raro (WW 1913:7). / Then the three baskets of knowledge were opened and the treasures of those baskets that were appropriate for earthly knowledge were taken out.
kauae tehe
1. (noun) woman with chin moko.
Ka anga taku titiro ki te pakitara o taku whare, e iri mai ana ngā kauae tehe kuia ōku, kua nehe noa atu te whatungarongaro, kua pōpōroa ki te poho o Rehua (HM 3/1995:7). / I look at the wall of my house where photos of my elderly female relatives with tattooed chins are hanging and who have long since disappeared to the bosom of Rehua.
kauae pākarikari
1. (noun) foul mouth.
He mea tika kia tū he whare whakawā, he whare herehere hoki, ki Waiapu hei pou herenga mō te kauae pākarikari, mō te ngākau totoa (TWMNT 1/12/1874:297). / It is proper to erect a courthouse, and also a gaol, at Waiapu as a post to which the foul mouth and incorrigible may be fastened.
kauae runga
1. (noun) upper jaw.
E kīia ana i ora ai a Waikato nā te karanga a Te Wherowhero ki a Te Rauparaha, "E Raha! He aha tō koha ki a māua?" Ka whakautua e Te Rauparaha, " E tika ana. Ki te hoki koe ki raro mā te ara i haere mai nei koe, ka hāmama te kauae runga ki te kauae raro. Engari me ahu koe ki runga ki Pukerangiora, ka ora koe." (M 2004:222). / It is said that what saved Waikato was Te Wherowhero's call to Te Rauparaha, "Raha! What is your gift to us two?" Te Rauparaha replied, "That is right. If you return north via the route that you came, the upper jaw will close on the lower jaw. However, if you head up to Pukerangiora, you will survive."
2. (noun) celestial knowledge, knowledge of the heavens.
Ka pau ngā take o tēnei kete, ka tino oti rawa te kauae runga me ōna take katoa te whakahoro ki ngā tamāroa (WW 1913:6). / When all these matters of this basket were explained, the matters of the celestial realm had been totally completed and passed on to the first-born sons.
kauae timu
1. (noun) tetanus - bacterial disease affecting the nervous system and marked by rigidity and spasms of the voluntary muscles.
Ko te kauae timu te pūtake o te whakamakiki me te hukihuki o ngā uaua, tērā ka kaha whakararu i te hēhē me te horomi (HE 2017). / Tetanus causes muscles to stiffen and spasm, and makes it extremely hard to breathe or swallow (HE 2017).