



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-ngia,-a) to shade the eyes with the hand.

Ko te ringa kei te tūpare atu i te rā kia kite ai ia (PK 2008:1008). / Her hand is shading her eyes from the sun so that she can see.

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2. (noun) chaplet, garland.

Nā ka kawea mai e te tohunga o Hupita, i te ngutu nei o te pā tōna temepara, he pūru, he tūpare ki ngā kūwaha, ka mea kia patua he whakahere e rātou ko ngā mano (PT Nga Mahi a nga Apotoro 14:13). / Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.

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3. (noun) leatherwood, Olearia colensoi - subalpine scrub shrub or tree to 10 m tall with thick, leathery, serrated leaves. The bark is light brown, papery and flaking. Branches covered in woolly, buff hairs. Flowers yellow or deep red. Found in subalpine, high rainfall areas.


1. (noun) Olearia colensoi, a shrub.

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